Establishing Value

We as people, we need to know or perhaps discover our value. Even more than this however, we need to feel as though we have some control over our value.

We all need and want specific skills that will make us stand out in the crowd. We need to show how we can be an asset to the job, the company, the corporation. The ways to do this have been often ignored, often sought after, but mostly taught in the poorest of ways. We need to empower people with the skills to give them options in their own job and in future prospects.

I have a passion to help people who have been forgotten; the same people who have only been trained to just do jobs rather than how to take control of their career. This middle class workplace market of people is a growing workforce and yet, we do nothing to empower them.

My passion is instilling -at all levels- the skills that are not only marketable, but also cause people to stand out in the crowd of applicants and employees. Let’s bring a new perspective to both the employer and employee arenas.

About christamroszczak

There are many things that we could all say about ourselves in our "about me" information. I would just like to explain -Why- I created this blog. I see a gap in the abilities of the people who move through our workforce. I see a lack of passion, work ethic, drive, respect and feelings of significance. The solution is in the leadership. The leadership needs to drive passion, hold standards, and inspire growth, but all too often, it alienates, turns a blind eye, or shifts blame. My focus is in customer service careers for a few reasons: 1. Customer service is often times where our next generation of professionals will come from. This is because often times they are working through school, in between school, or after school, but before careers. There is an entire niche of people in that very category needing to be believed in, shown how to hold a standard, pushed to be their best and shown how to train others to do the same. 2. We need to lead our middle management to train up everyone to be a trainer in their area. Middle management needs to be consistent with expectations and consequences. 3. We need to show middle management and their teams that everyone should be thinking about not only the job they have, but the job they want because the job they have now will be what sets them up for the job they want later. 4.There needs to be hands on training with management to help break the bad habits and even to form good habits with the new training tools they receive. Managers go to management or leadership training and come back with all excitement yet no follow through. Too often "inspiring" becomes coddling, "leading not managing" becomes making friends or doing all the work oneself, "encouraging" becomes caving, and "holding the standard" becomes pridefully rigid or even hypocritical. Someone once said, Hire slowly and fire swiftly. While this is a strong concept, when put into practice it actually shows the employees that the job is worth getting, they will be invested in and trained well, and that employees who refuse to improve or change a bad habit/attitude will not be allowed to continue to drag everyone down with them. This fair concept shows respect to the other employees and the customers. Holding the standard, being consistent and fair while simultaneously showing honest respect and care for the team at every level will produce success every time. I created this blog for employers and employees to utilize and hopefully get inspiration and some tips on how to create an efficient, productive, and successful working environment no matter what career you choose. We want to empower our employees at all levels to take pride in their work and to foster an environment that allows for nothing else.
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